My internship: 3 things I learned within 2 months

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In this post I wanna tell you the 3 things I learned at my internship. I still have 2 remaining days, but the 3 things already came to mind.

1. I learned a new programming language

At the internship I started learning the basics of Rust, a somewhat old programming language. Since I already know Java, I could understand the code and knew what to write when. There were some instances where I had to ask ChatGPT, but those were only related to Rust-specific things.

In my opinion, learning another programming language or at least the basics of one, is really great because through that I learned how to interact with the command line, Git Bash in my case. That’s something worth doing, and after this internship I definitely continue to use Rust to create my own projects.

2. Solving problems creates a focused working environment

Yeah, this one is the greatest things of all 3! Here at work, I had the feeling I was “actually at work.” What do I mean by that?

At the place I’m doing my application development education at, it’s always so quiet. Everyone in my room is sitting on his/her own computer, doing their tasks, but not actually talking about them or asking questions, where as here at the internship I experienced it from a different perspective: Co-workers are talking about the problems they’re facing, helping each other out or asking questions. In this setting, I feel like I actually do something and I can focus better for 8 hours. Plus, I didn’t have the desire for candy and I didn’t feel as watched as I do at the education.

With this, I finally found my true passion in studying again. It really motivated me to keep going, no matter what!

3. I always learn something new

Well, that’s probably obvious.

At an internship you always learn something new, no matter the field. I for example got to know Rust, installed Docker which is basically a container for code where you download an image file and create a new container, isulating your code, so you don’t have to install additional software on your system. I still didn’t do anything with Postgres yet, but I do it tomorrow. So, learning something new is fun and motivating.

So yeah, if you guys are doing an interhnship get to know as much as you can, it’ll help you later when you have to work at an actual company.


Those were my 3 things I learned at my internship within 2 months. I hope you got something out of it and took one or more of these things with you.

Stay healthy, and enjoy your evening/morning/afternoon where ever you are!

  • Rust, new programming language, still know what code does
  • Coleauges are solving problems, way better than at my education
  • Always learn something new, installed Docker, Postgres

By Fluffy Master23

I'm 21 years old, love to play audiogames and post videos on my Youtube channel.

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